Today we are going to do some things but a little bit differently we are going to review this speaker here JBL party box 100 and most people before they buy something they like to know what is the performance is it good is it bad what is the sound quality of things in this case speaker that I will or will not buy in future so today I'm going to give you a little bit more information about this speaker and my opinion if it's good or not so the first thing that I have to mention is this speaker is pretty heavy it's one of the biggest speakers JBL has of course if we don't talk about the party box 340 bucks 1000 but if we take for example JBL boombox and JBL party box of course it is a little bit bigger it is also cheaper as the boombox there are some things different than the boombox but we are not going to talk about boombox we have here a party box 100 so and we want to know what's the sound like well there are some of the features here for this speaker so as I already mentioned it's heavy it's big but there are some good things at the back of this speaker we have some inputs we have microphone input and we have guitar input and also if you have some playlists or your favorite music on New York you
be flashdrive there is the port that you can stick it in and listen your favorite music from your flash drive also let's talk about a little bit about the battery life
so normally battery holds up to 12 hours of course it depends on how now you play the music what kind of base level you use because there are three types of bass there are no bass they're a little bit bass and they are pretty much bass so that's how I explain bass things but yeah so it depends on how you use your speaker when you were running long battery you can plug it in with the cable or just use it with the cable also the thing that I saw is that this speaker plays more loudly and with more bass power if it is plug it left em so if you do not have to go to the beach party where you have no electricity you can always plug it in and have the best quality music around also one small thing not important but I like it very much
you can change colors you have here some lights and also you can change them and depending on the rhythm of music the lights play the lights play with the rhythm of the music so that's a small feature nothing important it doesn't affect to sounds some quality but it's something a little bit more fun in case the sound is not enough for you you can always link your second JBL party box 100 via bluetooth together and you can have a real stereo sound effect the speaker is actually really good I had already one small party 50 people in a small place more than one speaker I didn't even need it was good enough with this one the cost of this speaker is around about 300 euros or 300 u.s.
dollars so now we talked about a little bit about this speaker now we want to know how this speaker sounds
so that was the sound test of course life thing is so much better than you can hear maybe on your headphones but if you can before you buy go to your local shop and ask them to try it out I don't know for example here where we bought this speaker we could test it so I was absolutely sure when I buy and why I buy it because I already tested it and then liked it so if the sound test was okay for you you can always think about it maybe it's worth it thank you for watching don't forget to subscribe and like this video and leave a comment if you already have this one or you would like to have this one tell me more about it something you know something that I don't know